弗吉尼亚理工大学® 首页

Admitted Transfer Next Steps Checklist

Next Steps for Summer/Fall 2024

要接受录取,请通过申请人门户网站提交400美元的入学保证金 5月15日 2024 夏季入境及 2024年6月1日 秋季入学.

有了oneccampus,找到你需要成为社区一部分的东西要容易得多. 看到 onecampus.ycdwkj666.com for forms, 门户网站 entries, and more.

一旦你正式接受了你的offer,你的付款就被处理了(通常在收到你的付款后48-72小时)。, 您将收到一封电子邮件,说明如何创建您的VT用户名,后面跟着@ycdwkj666.com. This account can then be accessed through Microsoft Outlook at my.office365.ycdwkj666.com by entering the full email address.

Please send a final official transcript from each college or university attended, including for dual enrollment work. If currently enrolled in spring coursework, 一旦你完成了正在进行的工作,并公布了这些最终成绩,请尽快发送这所学校的正式成绩单. 这将有助于加快官方对你转学学分的评估. 您还应该发送AP/IB/CLEP或其他分数报告,这些分数报告在您提交的自我报告学术记录(SRAR)中注明,或提供给招生审查.


SRAR必须更新并重新提交(如果适用),并且应在6月15日之前收到2024年春季学期的所有成绩单/分数报告和成绩/结果, 2024.

If you will be completing additional coursework in the summer, 你必须在这些成绩公布后尽快发送这所学校的额外成绩单,但不需要在6月15日之前收到.

在这一点上,发送高中成绩单是可选的,但这可能是一个好主意, 特别是如果你有世界语言学分,因为这可以适用于某些毕业要求.


Office of Undergraduate 招生



540-231-6267 | 540-231-3242 (fax).

  • 当可用的, 完成HokieSPA要求的额外奖学金和经济援助要求, HokieSpa.ycdwkj666.com. 关注你的电子邮件,了解奖学金和经济援助时间表的最新进展.
  • 免疫接种:访问 辅导处.ycdwkj666.com and scroll to and click on “New 学生.完成这个 2024年6月30日 为了避免滞纳金.
  • Check computer requirements at compreq.ycdwkj666.com.
  • Complete virtual orientation modules. 请查看VT的电子邮件,了解更多的入学和课程注册信息.
  • Complete any placement assessments if applicable to your major, 比如亚历克斯, prior to being advised for coursework. 信息,包括完成的最后期限,将通过您的VT电子邮件发送给您.

Your scholarship/financial aid notification can be found through your 申请人门户. Please look on the right side of the 门户网站 for a section labeled "Your 金融援助 Notification is Available."

Next steps for admitted Spring 2025 transfers



To accept the offer, submit your $400 enrollment deposit through your 申请人门户 by 2022年5月15日 夏季报名及 2022年6月1日 秋季入学.

有了oneccampus,找到你需要成为社区一部分的东西要容易得多. 看到 onecampus.ycdwkj666.com for forms, 门户网站 entries, and more.

一旦你的付款被处理,你已经正式接受了你的报价, you will receive an email with instructions on how to create your VT的用户名 紧随其后的是 @ycdwkj666.com 这可以通过Gmail输入完整的电子邮件地址访问. 请注意,这可能需要48-72小时后,您的付款通过您的 申请人门户.

一旦你接受了录取通知,你就应该开始发送正式的大学成绩单和文件. 请附上所就读学院或大学的最终正式成绩单, including for dual enrollment work.

If you are still completing coursework at a college or university, 请在接受offer后立即发送学校的正式成绩单,并在完成正在进行的工作并获得最终成绩后发送第二份成绩单. 这将有助于加快官方对你转学学分的评估. 您还应该发送AP/CLEP或其他分数报告,以获得您提交的自我报告学业记录(SRAR)中注明的学分。.

您还需要更新并重新提交SRAR,其中包含您的最终课程和成绩信息. SRAR必须更新并重新提交,所有截至2022年春季的成绩单/分数报告应在6月15日之前收到, 2022. If you will be completing additional coursework in the summer, you must send one final transcript, in addition to those in the above requirements, as soon as these grades are available, but this does not need to be received by June 15th.

在这一点上,发送高中成绩单是可选的,但这可能是一个好主意, 特别是如果你有外语学分,因为这可以适用于某些毕业要求.


Office of Undergraduate 招生
540-231-6267 | 540-231-3242 (fax)

Your scholarship/financial aid notification can be found through your 申请人门户. Please look on the right side of the 门户网站 for a section labeled "Your 金融援助 Notification is Available."

  • 免疫接种:访问 辅导处.ycdwkj666.com and scroll to and click on "New 学生."
  • Check computer requirements at compreq.ycdwkj666.com.
  • Complete required online programs such as alcoholEDU, diversityEDU, and Haven.
  • 完成任何安置评估,如果适用的话,通过您的VT电子邮件发送给您.

You will begin receiving important information via email immediately. 一定要检查你的 ycdwkj666.com的电子邮件 frequently as you move forward with becoming a new 弗吉尼亚理工大学 student!


If your final grades are significantly lower than your previous academic performance in your final term(s); if you fail to complete the university’s minimum requirements for admission into your major (note that grades of “C” or higher must be earned for credit to transfer); if an updated Self-Reported Academic Record (SRAR) is not submitted by the deadline noted above (as applicable); if official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended are not received by the deadline noted above; or if your post-admission criminal record inquiry is not cleared.